Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Boogie Picking

Hayley and Alisha were here for their 10 Yr Hs Reunion, and we got to spend some time with them. Justine loved having little girls around to play with! And I loved our Mani Pedi Day. It was great to see you guys!

Is Walking! (and has been for some time)
She recently bit through her lip, all the way through! Fortunetly for us, we had our very own Nurse in training on hand, Betty, I mean Hayley. I was TRAUMATIZED when I saw the blood, but my big Sissy said it was ok and she'd be fine.
She talks in her own language all day.
The kid can eat! And she loves potato's and meat.
She loves Grandpa and Grandma, or to her "Papa and MaMaMaMa".
She is so smart, I am amazed by everything she does! I just love her little personality, actually everything about her.
Today I caught her digging for gold. Oh yeah, then she ate it. NaStY
She LOVES dogs, and being outside.
She feels the need to help David shave, or at least she thinks he HAS to hold her while he shaves.
Lately she will just stop playing and want to be held, or just cuddle for a bit. And I treasure every moment, because she’s usually just a going!
Last year at the Lake she was only a few months old but seemed to enjoy the water. This year she completely freaked out, and didn’t want down til we were about to leave the lake.
How we love this Sweet Baby Girl.

David has been working very hard! He has been gone for 2 weeks at a time then comes home for 2 days, and is gone again! Justine and I appreciate his hard work, and miss him very much. We did get to spend four days with him for th 4th of July weekend. We BBQ'd, worked on our truck, hung out with friends and Family, and just spent time together since we don't get much. We Love You!

We have quite the busy Schedule coming up.

1. A Day @ Tahoe for Mary's visit, all are welcome to join.

2. 4 Days camping out at the Lake, which I am very excited about.

3.A visit to Bishop CA to visit my Uncle.

4. A visit to Alamo NV to visit my Birth Father's Family.

5. Our Regualr Hawthorne visit.

It doesn't seem like much, but it is!

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