Wednesday, December 16, 2009

8 Months Old

Justine is now 8 Months Old! She began Crawling on Thanksgiving, and now is pulling herself up on her knees. She says Dad, and I am "ama". She has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 more coming on the top. She loves to eat, ecspecilly whatever Mommy is eating. She has quite the little personality, and attitude! UNFORTUNATLEY, yesterday she was fussy and was warm. So I took her temp around 8:30, and it was 100.4! After some tylonel, a bath, and a few phone calls to Mom, we took her to the ER. She has an Ear Infection in just one ear thankfully! They gave us ear drops and an antibiotic, and after 2 1/2 hours we were discharged. She slept good once we got home, and she has done well today, still a temp. but not nearly as high. We are so Grateful to have Justine in our lives. We love her so much.
We are bathing without our Tub Helper! And splashing like CRAZY. Even trying Mowhawks out.
We have done some bowling with friends. Justine love's the Disco ball and all the lights flashing.

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